The essence of cooking










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*** The essence of cooking ***

Part of a lecture recording at a certain university

For example, it is said that sea bream from Akashi is delicious. But even if we say that it is delicious eaten raw, a lot of Japanese people would feel reluctant to take a bite out of a lump of sea bream tossed in front of them if told to do so. Why is that? This is where the essence of cooking is hidden.

So what is cooking, then? It's the acculturation of nature, the transformation of nature into culture.

We can roughly say that there is nature on one side and culture on the other.
On the one hand there is nature, for example wild sea bream from Akashi, and on the other there is culture, a plate prepared with sashimi raw fish. Inbetween nature and culture there is the act of turning nature into culture. This act is what cooking is.

If sea bream from Akashi is best when eaten raw, it would be no problem to take a bite just like that, but only after being prepared as sashimi does it become what is known as the delicious Akashi sea bream. Sashimi is arranged so beautifully it is almost art, isn't it? Don't you think that the closer food is to nature, like in the case sashimi, the more beautifully it is arranged? So what happens here is nature being transformed into culture.

Even when simmering, grilling, or smoking nature's gifts we are turning nature into culture. In this sense, the act of using fire is a symbol of culture. The most typical action of turning nature into culture might be the use of fire.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus gave humankind the use of fire even though it meant disobeying Zeus' orders, because he believed it would give people happiness.

In his theory "The Raw and the Cooked" the cultural anthropologist Lévy-Strauss explains the process of ordinary ingredients changing into food.
He distinguishes "the Raw" changing into "the Cooked" and "the Rotten", thus creating the triangle of "the Raw", "the Cooked", and "the Rotten".
Here, "the Cooked" comes into existance in an artificial process, while "the Rotten" emerges by undergoing a natural process.
Like this Lévy-Strauss deciphers the binomial antagonism of nature and culture brilliantly in a three-dimensional way, but where does that leave us with the example of the sashimi from Akashi that I threw in at the beginning of the discussion?
And what about funazushi (old-style fermented crucian carp sushi) from Shiga prefecture or natto (fermented soy beans) from Mito city?
With such dishes in mind, we must say that the antagonistic structure of "the Raw", "the Cooked", and "the Rotten" does not cover such important items of the Japanese food culture.
It does not work as simply as Lévy-Strauss' theory.

Let's think about the sea bream sashimi one more time.
Many Japanese people don't feel like taking a bite out of a sea bream tossed on a plate in front of them. Only after undergoing preparation as sashimi does it become food. It's not that fire is being used in the process. The preparation method of sashimi is a kind of religious and artistic act. The actions of the cook, the arrangement of the food on the plate and so on are all not just a mere display but religious and artistic acts.

This is what the process of turning nature into culture in this case means. So in the acculturation of nature there is nature on one side and culture on the other, but it doesn't stop at incorporating the former into the latter, at domesticating it. In it's origin lies the dimension of the symbiosis with nature which has a religious and artistic dimension.

In the beginning I called cooking the "transformation of nature into culture", but after coming this far, we understand that this way of expressing it is insufficient.
In the purest meaning of being alive, we have to say that while being the transformation of nature into culture, it is also the transformation of culture into nature.
It is not a mere domestication of nature; in its true meaning there is the dimension of symbiosis. And that, in its purest meaning, must be called religion and art.

translated by Barbara Inui

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