Dialogue with a Psychoanalyst

精神分析家 P : あなたは自分の中にこれといって悪いところが見当たらない時でも、

クライアントC : そうなんです。私は悪くないはずなのに、何故この人たちは私を悩ませるのか、私の言うことを聞いてくれないのかと、焦ります。こういうことが繰り返し起こると悲しくなってしまいます。

P : これまでずっとあなたのお話を聞いてきて、

C : はい、それはそうだと思います。

P : 対人関係の中ではなく、あなた自身の心の中に何か葛藤を感じますか。

C : いいえ。私は、普通に正しいと思うこと、良いと思うことを真面目にやっているだけで、

P : 私は精神分析家ですから、よく、次のような図式で心の中の構造を考えるのです。

C : そうですか。でも、私の場合、普通に正しい、普通に良いことを、無理せずやっているだけですから、先生のおっしゃるような葛藤は感じません。

P : しかし、もし仮に、あなたがあなた自身に対して「良い子」になりきっていたらどうでしょう。まるでお父さんの言うことを、そのまま何でも「はい、はい」と聞く「良い子」のように。なりきってしまうと、葛藤があるにもかかわらず、そのこと自体を抑圧してしまって、葛藤の自覚がないという場合もあります。

C : でも、葛藤は苦しいものでしょう。無いに越しことはないでしょう。

P : 無いに越したことはありませんね。しかし、葛藤は次の心の成長へのヒントを与えてくれてもいます。葛藤を自覚することは一種、ドラマを観るようなものです。

C : それで、私はどうすればいいのですか。

P : まずは、人間関係のトラブルを含めて、あなたの日常生活を演劇のように観るのです。

C : そして、その演劇に、真面目でドジな私がいるのですね。

P : 違うのです。その演劇の中の役者としてのあなたは、あなた自身ではありません。

C : じゃ、私はどこにいるのですか。

P : あなた自身はその役者としてのあなたではなく、その劇の全体があなた自身なのです。

C : え? 劇の全体、、、劇の全体が私なのですか。

P : まずは観劇を楽しんでください、悲劇であれ、喜劇であれ、、、。

* * * * * *

Dialogue with a Psychoanalyst

Psychoanalyst P: You are saying that although you couldn't pinpoint what is the problem inside of you, you often have troubles in human relations.

Client C: That's right. Although I think nothing is wrong with me, I'm anxious to know why people annoy me or don't listen to what I'm saying. When such things happen again and again, I get sad.

P: I have been listening to you talking for quite a while now, and I think you are earnest and scrupulous, in a way a kind of perfectionist.

C: Yes, I think that's right.

P: Apart from difficulties in personal relations, do you feel there are conflicts inside your own mind?

C: No. I'm just doing earnestly what I believe is right and good. It's not like there are other things I want to do but can't, or that I'm pushing myself too hard.

P: As I'm a psychoanalyst, I often think of the makeup of people's minds in the following way:

There is the mind (the superego) saying, "this is the correct thing to do, that is the right thing to do".
And there is a voice emerging from inside of us saying, "I want to do this and that". That is the voice of desires (the id).
And then there is the ego struggling to somehow bridge the gap.

We often think in this way of the mind's structure.

C: Is that so? But in my case I just commonly do what I think is right and good without straining myself, so I don't feel the kind of conflict you are talking about.

P: Yes, but what if you had turned completely into a "good child" towards yourself? Answering "yes, yes" to everything your father says, just like a good child does.
If you have turned completely into a good child like that even though there are conflicts inside of you, you end up suppressing that fact itself. There are cases where you are not aware of the conflicts.

C: But conflicts are agonizing. There's nothing better than not having them.

P: Of course it is better not to have them. But conflicts also provide us with hints for our next spiritual growth. Being aware of one's conflicts in a way is like watching a drama.
In your case, the trouble you are experiencing in personal relationships in everyday life is forcing you to look at the conflicts in your mind that you are currently not aware of.

C: So what should I do?

P: Above all, watch your everyday life like a drama, including your troubles in personal relationships.

C: And in that drama there is earnest and clumsy me, isn't there?

P: No, you're mistaken. The actor representing you in that drama is not you yourself.

C: So where am I?

P: You yourself are not one of the actors. The entire play is what you yourself are.

C: What? The entire play.... the entire play is what I am?
So what is the next thing I should be doing?

P: In any case, enjoy the play, be it a tragedy or a comedy

translated by Barbara Inui

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