essay ー 秋水 “ Autumn Floods "



「むかし、荘周は自分が蝶になった夢を見た。楽しく飛びまわる蝶になりきって、のびのびと 快適であったからであろう。自分が荘周であることを自覚しなかった。ところが、ふと目が覚めてみると、まぎれもなく荘周であった。いったい荘周が蝶となった夢を見たのであろうか、それとも蝶が荘周になった夢を見ているのであろうか。・・・」








*** “ Autumn Floods " ***

On the white gravel of Sennyu Temple I saw a swallowtail butterfly floating in the air.

As the Man held out his index finger it stopped on it and rubbed it with its front legs. It stayed on his finger for a long time without flying off, and when the Girl at his side saw this she said, "how very strange, it's almost like a dream".

It reminded me of "The Butterfly Dream".

"Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.”
(Zhuang Zi, The Inner Chapters, translated by Lin Yutang)

Then again, on one occasion, a red dragonfly stopped on the railing in the precincts of Kurama Temple. When the Man held out his finger, the dragonfly flew from the railing onto his finger and sat there without moving. The Girl near him looked intently at it and murmured in a small voice "..... to be a dragonfly .....". At that time the relatonship between them had already started to fall apart.

Another time, the Man was walking along Kamogawa river by himself. When I gazed at him, I saw what looked like a black ant lion on his finger. Even though he was walking along Kamogawa river approaching Kamoohashi Bridge, the ant lion was not at all about to fly off. He walked while lifting his arm a little. When people coming and going along the river became aware of him, they were dumbfounded. Then he seemed to admonish the insect and made it settle on a nearby treetop. It looked like the insect obeyed him silently.

Similar mysterious things happen around him very often.
But when talking about these things to other people, I was afraid they would just think that those were simple fantasies, that, as his believer, I was just fascinated by him. When thinking such things the words of "Autumn Floods" suddenly came to my mind.

I traced those words in my heart.

"Zhuang Zi and Huizi were walking on the dam over the Hao, when the former said, "These thryssas come out, and play about at their ease - that is the enjoyment of fishes". The other said," You are not a fish; how do you know what constitutes the enjoyment of fishes?" Zhuang Zi rejoined, "You are not I. How do you know that I do not know what constitutes the enjoyment of fishes?" Huizi said, "I am not you; and though indeed I do not fully know you, you certainly are not a fish, and (the argument) is complete against your knowing what constitutes the happiness of fishes." Zhuang Zi replied, "Let us keep to your original question. You said to me,“How do you know what constitutes the enjoyment of fishes?” You assumed to know that I did not know it, and yet you put your question to me intentionally. You are not me, but you assume to know I do not know. If you do that, I can say I know the enjoyment of fishes, can’t I?”
(Zhuang Zi, The Outer Chapters)

Somehow things started to make no sense to me.

Just then the Man looked in my direction for the first time
  and smiled slightly.

translated by Barbara Inui

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