Building up your Inner center

Building up your Inner center




















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1. The mental part is attacking the physical part

Let's assume that we can divide a human being like you into a mental part and a physical part.

Of course it is impossible to think of mind and body as completely separated, but if we define skillfully, it becomes possible to see a part of you from the aspect of the mind and another part of you from the aspect of the body.

By doing this, we can start seeing the human being that you are as a picture of a part called mind and a part called body overlapping each other, and how these two parts are influencing each other.

As I see it, in your case the mental part is frequently attacking the physical part.

I want you to envisage how the mental part has its own sensitivity and opinion etc, and in the same way the physical part has its own sensitivity and opinion.

And, in your case, the mental part is often attacking the physical part.

You might say, " In my case the state of my mind shows up honestly in my body, and the condition of my body is mirrored in my mind.”
But in reality they are not tied up in that way but your mind is attacking your body and as a result there are frequent instances where your body even screams out and asks for help, I think.

2. Improving your mental and physical parts

If so, what is the way to improve this situation?

Even if the mind is mostly the assailant and the body the victim, it makes no sense to judge the mind guilty. This is because our aim should be for the mind and body to become one, to obtain the stability that is impossible to acquire when they are apart, and to gain the inner center, the wholeness that is you.

Therefore, one way of improvement is to remedy the mental part and the physical part individually and then again unite the two at a convenient moment afterwards.

The main objective in this situation is for the mind to grant the body more independence.

When the ego feels itself being insecure, it tends to work hard to strengthen itself.

So why is it, then, that even though our ego loosens up, we get a feeling of happiness and a sense of security and stability when associating with other people?
What the body is looking for in that situation (not in a limited sexual meaning), what the body as one personality, so to speak, is looking for, is trusted and respected by the mind being another personality. And when you experience that as correct, the body and mind unite, and even as the ego's boundary becomes vague, you as a wholeness are realized, stabilize, and develop your center.

This is not the case when your mind judges another person in advance, approves him or her to be safe and gives the go-ahead to your body.
You must have experienced that.

3. About the mental part

I think that in your case your mind is often an assailant towards your body.
But for the mind there must have been something causing it to attack the body, to supervise and control it.

If the mind becomes incapable of putting that kind of pressure on the body, we might feel better at first, but that is extremely dangerous. In order to disable the mind we must sedate our consciousness with tranquilizers and such, and that will render us completely defenseless.

The point of improvement is as follows.

* Introspection of the mind

I think that in your case the mental side tends to be slightly unsound, and very often your control of your mind is not effective. Do not try hard to control it immediately, but first of all look calmly at the situation. This means introspection is necessary in which you calmly reconsider your self.

There are several methods on how to do introspection, but you should stick to scientific analysis as much as possible so as not to give in to simple preconceptions. You should just analyze the condition your mind is in.

At this stage you shall not at all allow your values to enter the introspection. In other words, do not judge if this is good or bad, moreover values like gratitude etc. should not be allowed to enter the analysis in your situation.

In your current circumstances, if you let your values slip in even just a bit, it will result in you being controlled by the superego, and the superego will then dispatch orders to your ego. And your ego will be forced to obey, become unstable, and might even panic.

* Stability of the mind

While doing introspection in the way described above, you should observe how your mind reacts, for example by becoming more stable or feeling unstable. Analyze it not so much psychologically, but, although it sounds paradoxical, in a way according to physics.
In this way look for a more stable state of mind.

As your mind gets more and more well-balanced, you will not get irritated at or be unsettled by your physical part that does not act the way you expect. This increases your leeway and you can let the body be as it is as your sense of security should slowly get stronger.

But in general it is difficult to control one's mind, and furthermore, in your case, your mind tends to be unsound. So do not make it your principal objective to improve the mental side, but rather entrust yourself to your body's health and get vitality from it.

4. About the physical part

I think that in your case your body is extremely healthy. You complain about health problems here and there, and ill health and pain are tough, but shouldn't we look at them as normal and healthy reactions?
That is why, for instance, you can feel a more than usual physical sensitivity with somebody, deeper than just a limited sexual physiological reaction, which then deepens further and rises to a feeling of happiness resulting from a united body and mind.

Therefore I think it is better to focus on doing exercises for the body rather than the mind, and to aim at achieving your entirety while being led by the body.

The point of improvement is as follows.

* Introspection of the body

The way to do this is by practicing something like yoga, Qi Gong, T'ai Chi, walking etc. In your present condition, when doing introspection of the body, it is likewise not good to let your values or any theories intrude on your introspection.
First of all you should as much as possible introspect your body according to the laws of physics.

If you carelessly let your values or theories slip in, the exercises that were meant for the body will be allowed to invade the mental part before you know it, and the process of the exercises will be disturbed.

To achieve stability of the mind you have to first exclude the mental part and concentrate on the physical part. This needs patience and endurance.
As in your case the mental part has a strong tendency to establish its supremacy, all the more caution is necessary. The improvement of the physical part should be left entirely to the body; the mind should be involved only to the extent of watching over the physical exercises.

* Stability of the body

By doing the exercises described above, you will gradually get a sense of physical stability.
It does take some time, but you should not be hasty.
As you get more aware of it, it will steady, and you will show power worth of all the time and energy you invested.

As your awareness of physical stability increases quite a lot, you will turn your body sensation the way it is to your surroundings and your personal relations. Usually it is the role of the mental part to deal with personal relations, but here we train the body sensation that we have cultivated to lead us.
This will engender our genuinely composed response, our self-possessed response.

Actually, even when talking about introspection, just delving inside oneself does not bring stability.
Correct introspection is a sensation of expanding on the outside while looking inwards.
It could also be called concentrated diffusion.

5. Uniting mind and body

Training in this way, you will start feeling something like your center before you know it.
Looking for something that is already there somewhere is not the way to do it, but rather confirm the stability described above and while doing so you will come to feel your center.

So when you start feeling this kind of sensation, the mental part and the physical part have already started to unite,

You are supposed to have pursued the center of the mind and that of the body independently so as not to mix them up, but when you start feeling the center, the feeling of the mental center and that of the physical center already being united should at the same time start developing.

Even when saying that the mind and the body are one, they are not completely united. Separate aspects always remain, too.
And that is all right like that. When associating with others, it is exactly because they have different sides that we can grow, make new discoveries and are able to have wonderful encounters.

translated by Barbara Inui

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