Plans for a healing campus at Kyoto University
京都大学 癒しのキャンパス計画






 そうこうするうちに月日がたち、インターネットで私の口座を確認してみればコンスタントに9.2ユーロが引き落とされているではないか! 口座管理料らしい。解約に手間取っている内に引き落とされていたのだ。今度はEMSという郵便で書類を送ってみた。これは、高いが便利です。インターネット上でその便の行方を逐一追って行けるからです。どこの空港につき、どこの郵便局につき、宛先の誰が受け取ったかまで、すぐ調べられる。進んでいるのですね。
 そして電話してみた。「書類は届いているか、確認してくれ」、と言うと、やはり「わからぬ」と言う。やはりそうきたか。こちらは、いつお宅の誰が受け取ったかわかっているのだぞ。やり取りする内、むこうは何人も入れ替わり立ちかわり(これは私の言葉のつたなさにもよる)、「明日きちんと手続きをする」と言う。明日だな! 数日後やっと解約手続きがなされている事を確認。


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” Plans for a healing campus at Kyoto University "

News from the Kyoto University architectural association (2004)

From April 1st this year, my place of employment also became an independent administrative institution, so we are no longer national public employees. Be that as it may, we remain a public institution and our salaries are still supplied from taxes.

So has something changed fundamentally or has it not? Looking at my paycheck slip I saw that unemployment insurance was being deducted. So things have changed after all. We became beings who need to take out an unemployment insurance.

The Japanese economy doesn't get better at all (though as of September this year, when this article can be read, I'm wishfully thinking that the economy is recovering...), and the financial deficit is just growing bigger and bigger. As the private sector is hanging on, so must we.

But wait a minute, in what way should we do that? What is the meaning of existence of schools being financed by national taxes, after all? Where did the ideology of Goro Hani, shouting loudly for the self-government of universities, disappear to?

Furthermore, what is the meaning of existence of the state? During the current Koizumi administration (at the time of writing), the wretched state of the economy improved because Koizumi did nothing about it, in other words, because the economy started recovering by itself. I often come across comments suggesting just that. Welfare cuts and miserable diplomacy. What on earth is the state doing? So sure enough the polit-philosophical question arises as to what the state's meaning of existence is.

Do something about the unemployment rate! During this school year I was in charge of guidance counseling. I write letters of recommendation for the students, encourage them before they take the job examinations, and then, a week later, the rejection letters come. The first wave of applicants is rejected, then the second one....., when it continues like this, an odd tension starts to build up in the entire class. At a time like this I get phone calls from the students' mothers saying, "my son is strange these days, he gets angry easily and is on edge.....".

This even applies to Kyoto University. As might be expected, the students at Kyoto University study very hard compared to other universities, I think. I don't mean so much the contents of their studies, but the atmosphere of the students coming and going on campus and of the ones studying in the library. But sure enough there is tension in the air. Not at all like Mr. Yon and Cheju (from the series "Winter Sonata") walking serenely. So how about a "conversion plan for a healing campus at Kyoto University" ? I can just hear some people say, "what a complacent attitude!", but that way the teachers' potential will blossom and they will serve society, I think. Healing, I say, healing!

Everybody is either tired or on edge at the moment. Just try walking on Midosuji Avenue (in Osaka), you can't walk in a relaxed way there either. On the one hand there are severe personnel cuts and on the other hand the employees left have to work the double amount, so everyone gets tired.

Compared to this, starting in countries such as Holland, Europe has found a well thought-out way in work-sharing. When I had the opportunity to stay in Munich last year, the work-sharing there was quite remarkable, regardless of gender or job type. I was astonished to see how many people came to their place of work only about three days a week.

The same was true for the office workers at Munich University. When I was dawdling over getting some documents drawn up (I was dawdling, but the office worker in charge was dawdling, too), time would soon run out, and at noon on Wednesday it would happen that I was told to come back again the next week. Over there, in general, a certain person is in charge, so if that person is off duty, it often happens that things don't move on.

The following thing took place: I had opened an account at the Deutsche Bank, and I wanted to close it after returning to Japan and settling back in. I was taking the necessary steps to close the account by e-mail, but as the matter didn't proceed at all, I had to mail several times until I was told that the (seemingly) excellent bank clerk in charge was on vacation for about two weeks. They constantly take long vacations.

In the end another clerk took over the matter. I sent the documents he had instructed me to in an e-mail, but two weeks later I got a letter from the bank headquarter saying that they hadn't gotten all the necessary documents. I got mad and, once again, asked the clerk in charge to check. The answer was, "we will confirm the matter."

I had to repeat this kind of request several times until, finally, there came an e-mail saying, "well then, you can definitely receive the remaining amount of your account within a week!" What do they mean, "well then"?!

I also had an account at Munich's City Bank, but when the time came to close it, it was again a difficult undertaking. It took almost half a year. Again, I'm certain I sent the necessary documents without delay by mail, but as I didn't hear anything from them, I called and was told that they hadn't received such a letter. I had no choice but to resend the documents. Again, no reply. When I questioned them over the phone, sure enough they said they hadn't received anything. They added that if I would sent them by fax, they could immediately process them. So I faxed them. But again, no reply. When I inquired by phone, I was told by yet another clerk that closing a bank account by fax was not possible. What on earth.....?!

In the meantime days and months passed and when I checked my account on the internet, I was surprised to see that €9.20 were constantly withdrawn, apparently an administration fee. It was being deducted while I was busy with the procedures to close the account. The next time I sent the relevant documents by EMS. It's expensive but very convenient, because the route of the package can be traced in detail on the internet. You can always see at which airport the package is, at which post office it arrives, and who exactly receives it at its final destination. It's an advanced system.

When I called and said, "check if the documents arrived", they still answered, "we don't know". Just what I had expected. But hey! I know exactly who accepted them when over there.
During the exchange of words, the bank clerks changed one after another (this was also because of my awkward language). "Tomorrow we will promptly deal with it", they said. Tomorrow! Several days later I was finally able to confirm that they had closed my account.

Furthermore, the €9.20 that they had constantly charged to my account were returned. This is because in one of my letters I had explained about the particular circumstances and written, "so don't just charge me €9.20 as you please!" Apparantly it never hurts to ask.

There's much talk about globalisation, but when such trouble arises, how do we deal with it, and when we are told, "we don't know", it's a big problem. We can't very well go over there and sue them.

But even in Germany, the most reliable of the European countries, this kind of state exists. It' s simply unimaginable in Japan. Japanese people are honest, excellent, and hard workers for sure. The only problem is they don't have the qualities to be leaders.

In front of the other teachers I did nothing but grumble. Feel free to laugh!

translated by Barbara Inui

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